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Overcome Illness With Colloidal Silver Water

By Patrice McCoy

A natural antibiotic known for thousands of years, the mineral silver is useful and has no dangerous side effects. The medicinal value was known by the ancient Greeks who noticed that use of utensils seemed to contribute to overall health and fewer infections. It ended up in their food as it was slightly rubbed off the plates and silverware. Today we can get the benefits by drinking colloidal silver water.

Using this mixture was a common practice from the latter nineteenth century till the year 1938. It was recommended for numerous infections and illnesses. Antibiotics were not accessible at that time, so the solution was used for most all health problems. In those days, the formulation was expensive, much like the cost of modern antibiotics at the present time. New developments in production have significantly lowered the cost to the consumer. It offers the advantage of being cheaper than antibiotic medications, and is available without prescriptions.

Man made antibiotics kill only a few types of bacteria, and more bacteria are becoming resistant to them; however, they are unable to become resistant to the formula. It kills not only bacteria but also viruses, a job no man made antibiotic can do. Another down side of antibiotics is that they destroy a variety of the body's natural enzymes, but the colloid does not disable or harm them. It also promotes healing with less scar tissue.

There has never been a silver and drug interaction recorded. Prescription pharmaceuticals are no more likely to react with this mineral in the body than the herbs from which they were developed. The nature of it inside the body is that it behaves to form no toxic compounds, as it does not react with anything in the body except a germ's oxygen metabolizing enzyme.

The solution is non-toxic to all living things that are not a one-celled structure. One-celled life uses a specific method of oxygen metabolism. The fluid acts only to influence a change in the organisms, but does not cause any chemical reaction with the body tissues. The presence of it near any bacteria, virus, or fungus will disable the chemical lung, or oxygen-metabolizing enzyme, suffocating and killing them within about six minutes. It is then cleared from the body by the immune and lymphatic system.

Daily consumption of colloidal silver contributes to improved immune systems. The benefits are enhanced body mechanisms for defending against many harmful bacteria, while allowing healthy, advantageous bacteria to survive. It also minimizes toxicity due to easy absorption by the small intestine, fostering natural occurrence of bacterial, viral, and fungal activity of the body.

Many illnesses like cholera, canine parvovirus or other illnesses where the pathogen grows within the colon could be fatal because of lack of fluids caused by severe vomiting and diarrhea. The invader is active in colon, the only place the colloid mixture will not penetrate. The best way to beat this is through colonic irrigation using the solution.

Most ailments today could be resolved by using colloidal silver water, a safer and less costly option to overused pharmaceutical antibiotics. Daily use might help your body's protection and develop immunity to foreign intruders before they become problematic, so purchase a bottle to improve your health.

About the Author:

Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Sunday, September 23, 2012

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