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Positive Effects Of Green Tea Can Be Increased By Adding Lemon

By Ashley Morris

The health advantages of green tea will be considerably greater if blended with lemon juice. In order to fully understand this principle, let's first explore the importance of food combination.

A lot of diet experts will agree that blending food can negatively or positively influence a person's physical health. Most people in discomfort with indigestion following a buffet may blame the unlimited food, yet in many instances poor food combination is the contributing reason. For example, combining melon with any other food is not the best decision.

Fruit typically are effortlessly broken down in the stomach. Melons digest in fact faster than other fruit, because they are more than 90 percent water. If the digestive process is delayed due to mixing with other food, fermentation occurs in the stomach possibly causing upset stomach, indigestion, excessive gas and acid reflux. In contrast, some food blends enhance the health benefits by assisting the food absorption.

An example of a great food combination is tomatoes and olives. In the world of nutrition, tomatoes are recognized as a great source of Lycopene. Lycopene offers health improvements like fight against heart diseases and cancer. When tomatoes are consumed simultaneously with olives the positive effects are enhanced. Olives improve the absorption process of Lycopene. So what about green tea with lemon?

Some well known green tea benefits are cancer prevention, healthy heart, digestive aid, diabetes prevention and weight loss. Due to green tea's antioxidant called catechins the health rewards are possible. Despite the many benefits of catechins, studies have shown that these antioxidants are easily degraded within the human intestines after digestion allowing only about 20 percent of them for absorption.

Lemon also has antioxidant which is vitamin C. It allows for some of lemon's benefits such as digestive aid, skin care, and fight against throat infections. More importantly vitamin C provides ideal environment for catechins to survive when combined together.

With the addition of Vitamin C, human intestine becomes an acidic environment for catechins. This allows catechins to be more available for absorption. After all it does not need to be lemon. Any citrus juice such as orange, lime or grapefruit will enhance the absorption function. Yet lemon juice is the most effective of all suggesting that additional elements of lemon are possibly contributing to the absorption availability.

Blending lemon juice and tea may also be more delicious considering green tea's natural flavor is bitter. For people trying to find an alternative to tea, one can find many green tea capsules with vitamin C.

About the Author:

Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Monday, October 1, 2012

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