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Indications Of Vein Disease And Cures Available

By Dana Thilborne

Pumping of the blood through the circulatory system is achieved through beating of the heart. The blood flows through the numerous blood vessels that are part of the network of circulation. Arteries and veins form the core of transport vessels, with the former taking blood to various body parts and the latter transporting it back to the heart. Veins have valves that prevent back flow of blood. Opening of valves is achieved through contraction of muscles. Vein disease may lead to damaging of valves, which affects their overall functioning.

Venous diseases are of several types. There is blood clots that affects various body organs. These include legs, arms as well internal organs like the brain and liver. Deep vein thrombosis affects both the arms and legs. Unlike other diseases, deep vein thrombosis does not pose any serious risks to life. There is superficial venous thrombosis that has effect on veins that lie close to the skin surface. Yet another condition is chronic venous insufficiency that may lead to serious swelling of legs and increased pressure in the body. Ulcers and varicose veins are also considered as vein diseases.

Among the commonest of these conditions are blood clots. There effects are pain in affected areas, which may also be coupled with swelling. There normally are complications in instances when the clots break loose. The process of the clots break loose is called embolism.

There are instances when the clots travel through the bloodstream. This normally leads to blocking of blood vessels that are found in the lungs, a condition known as pulmonary embolism. This may lead to one having difficulty in their breathing and in severe cases, even death. The majority of persons that experience pain resulting from clots are aged above forty.

When there is obstruction to blood flow, inflammation results. This may lead to among other things discoloration of skin, swelling of affected organs and and a warm feeling when the skin is touched. The discoloring takes a white or blue color. The unfortunate thing is that the majority of individuals may not experience these symptoms, emphasizing the need seek medical advice for those suspecting they have the condition.

Individuals that experience pain, swelling, or are exposed to other risk factors need to seek immediate help. This is especially so if they faint or find it hard to breathe. Given that there is no blood test meant for diagnosis of suspected blood clots, various imaging tests are used. Those with the symptoms and have deep vein thrombosis at the same time need certain medications. Measures also have to be taken for lowering the risks of clot embolizing and subsequently moving into the lungs.

Some measures taken for achievement of relief include elevation the legs, applying warm moist heat to the organs affected and not resting for long hours. For better results, medications for thinning blood are used as well. Such medicines are meant to make the clots stick to the walls of blood carrying vessels. In the end, the body gets rid of such clots on its own.

The options available for vein disease treatment can be surgical or others do not require any surgery. Treatments are aimed at reducing the seriousness of symptoms and any complications that may be experienced. Physicians come up with the best treatment options for each patient.

About the Author:

Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Tuesday, October 2, 2012

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2 komentar untuk "Indications Of Vein Disease And Cures Available"

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There are various types of treatments available for the treatment of Varicose veins and spider veins. The procedure your doctor recommends depends on your unique body and individual needs.

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    *Ambulatory Phlebectomy

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