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Hemorrhoids Cures For Beginners

By James Freedmen

The occurrence of hemorrhoids is attributed to swelling of tissues found in the anal canal as a result of too much internal pressure that originates from the pelvic and rectal area. In the event that the causes are not looked into, the condition can go on for long. Hemorrhoids cure treatment for beginners is relatively simple.

The good news is that often, hemorrhoids resolve on their own, and they pose no long-term risk to the men and women who have them. If you have an internal hemorrhoid, you may have noticed some traces of fresh blood on your stool.

At certain occasions, there is simultaneous appearance of both blood and mucus on stool. In extreme conditions, there may be dripping of blood from the anus itself. This is realized when one wipes it with the use of tissue paper. Blood on stool should be a signal that one needs to see their doctor as it may indicate other infections like cancer or intestinal infection.

Simple physical examinations are used for confirmation of presence of hemorrhoids in the area around the rectum. There is no need to worry though. The examination is non-invasive and confirmation is done within a few minutes of the test.

External hemorrhoids are, of course, much easier to diagnose because the problem can be clearly seen without additional tests. If the hemorrhoid has formed outside the rectum, it will probably develop a clot of blood inside. This clot may break when the tissues swell and contract during bowel movement.

The squeezing movement brought about by bowel movement has other serious effects. It can compound the pain and bleeding that comes from both external and internal swellings. That explains why most people suffering from hemorrhoids never look forward to visiting toilets. The experience can be harrowing, to a great extent.

Now, in the event that your doctor is unable to locate any hemorrhoids in the rectal region, he may use a colonoscope or a sigmoidoscope to check different regions of your colon, just to make sure that there aren't any problems there. Bleeding can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, so don't worry too much if the doctor asks you if he can perform more specialized tests to determine the cause of the bleeding.

More often than not, the treatment is easy. Doctors ask the patients to perform certain simple tasks at home to alleviate the symptoms. You see, the condition is mostly brought about by straining due to bowel movement.

So, this cause, as well as the symptoms associated with the hemorrhoid, ha to be addressed all at the same time. Your doctor may prescribe an oral medication or a topical solution to help treat the hemorrhoid. If you are suffering from a lot of itching, an anti-itch medication may also be prescribed just to address the itching.

For people with hard stools that are not easy to move naturally, modification of diet to include more fiber might just do the trick. If this fails to do the trick, softening agents for stools should be used. These make stool softer and easier to expel. This further aids in fast healing. Thus, hemorrhoids cure for starters is relatively easy.

About the Author:

Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Monday, November 19, 2012

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