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How To Prevent Hypertensive Disease

By John Renu

The conservative estimate reveals that about one-third of the American population is subjected to the hypertensive disease with a static morbidity rate at about 1% and therefore the disease is classified as one of the life threatening diseases of recent times. The all pervading incidences of disease among developing and developed countries is more disturbing than the fact that the incidence among African-American descendants is higher by 50% than the counterparts of Mexican-American population.

The research has shown that the modern day competitive market has subjected the population to undue stress and mental strain resulting in tension. To aggravate the situation, the physical activity is reduced and more the sedentary lifestyle, the more chances of the disease. However, if you are conscious of the healthy lifestyle with positive food habits and regular monitoring of the medical parameters, you can at least control the disease, if not prevent it.

In fact, it is alarming to know that hypertensive disease has a cyclic effect commencing with high blood pressure which leads to ischemic heart requiring the heart muscles to exert in supply of regular and smooth pumping of blood. Should there be any shortage of oxygen in the blood to the vital organs, you will notice swelling in the legs and anorexia which may cause of loss of nutrition and proteins in the body which might trigger malfunctioning of the kidney and also the liver. Thus, to ensure sufficient amount of blood supply to the body, the enlarged left ventricle has to work hard.

If you notice that the symptoms like headache, dyspneic condition or breathlessness persist for a continuous longer duration of time, you should forthwith consult the medical physician who may recommend the basic tests like ECG, echo-cardiogram or stress test. If, in his opinion, further advanced tests are required, you may have to undergo a CT scan, calcium-score heart scan or angiography also. To know the functioning of the heart from outside, a heart MRI or to know the contents of fluids of heart, a Pericardiocentesis may be suggested.

Though the above position is alarming, you can lead a normal healthy life without straining your purse if you slightly alter your habits and ensure

Brisk walking or jogging, maintain ideal weight range, no smoking, moderate alcohol if not total avoidance, at least 8 glasses of water per day,less saturated fats, lot of fruits and vegetables, and minimize sodium diet.

The treatment for the dreadly hypertensive disease is either angioplasty or bypass surgery or implant of pacemaker to ensure regular pace and rhythm of the heart beat etc, could be avoided in case you comply with healthy lifestyle with good food habits and physical activity.

About the Author:

Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Thursday, November 15, 2012

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